
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.



Reputation Management

Business App


Executive Report

Partner Center





What's Next

Coming Soon

What's Next: 2024-07-25

This week, Parker Reese shares improvements coming soon to streamline marketing, sales, and customer communication for you, and your clients.
Business App
  • Manage all SMS communication with a single number. Your clients will have a single SMS number and credit balance to use across Inbox, Reputation Management, and (soon, see below) Campaigns Pro. The number associated with Inbox will become the single line. Replies to all types of SMS messages will appear in Inbox - including replies to review requests, so businesses won’t miss any message from customers.
    Est. early August 2024
  • Navigate Business App seamlessly on desktop and mobile with improved UI.
  • [Campaigns Pro] Change, select, or cancel recipients while scheduling Campaigns.
    Est. late July 2024
  • [Campaigns Pro] Send SMS campaigns, and mixed campaigns with a combination of email and SMS outreach.
    Est. late August 2024
  • [CRM] View AI summaries on Company and Contact records in the CRM. It’ll provide a brief overview of what the company does or who the contact is, and their engagement with the business.
    Est. early August 2024
  • [Executive Report] Increase accuracy of lead reporting with the removal of Google Direction Requests from the Leads metric in the marketing funnel “Leads” card located on Home and Executive Report. Google Direction Requests will remain visible within the Google Business Profile section of the Executive Report.
    1 August 2024
  • [Inbox] View and respond to all SMS communication via Inbox, including review requests coming in via Reputation Management, and responses to SMS campaign messages sent from Campaigns Pro.
    Est. early August 2024
  • Upload a dark theme version of your logo for use in Business App.
  • [Campaigns] Change, select, or cancel recipients while scheduling Campaigns.
    Est. late July 2024
  • [CRM] View AI summaries on Company and Contact records in your CRM. It’ll provide a brief overview of what the company does or who the contact is, and their engagement with your agency.
    Est. early August 2024
  • [Inbox] Respond to messages via SMS from Partner Center Inbox.
    Est. late September 2024
  • [Orders] Create and submit Orders for approval more easily with an improved experience. Progress on Order drafts will auto-save, and order forms and fulfillment forms for products (when applicable) will auto-populate, ready for completion.
    Est. mid-August 2024


Local SEO


Social Marketing

Business App


Partner Center





Product Fixes: 2024-07-25

[Business App] Access Visual Visitor when logged into Business App.
[Business App] Access Visual Visitor in Business App when impersonating a user.
[Business App] Connect to Google Business Profile and Google Analytics Accounts in Business App > Settings > Connections > Google Search Console or Google Business Profile.
[Business App: Inbox] AI Web Chat requests lead capture details early in conversations.
[Platform: CRM] Create Companies in your CRM from Partner Center > Companies > Find nearby businesses > [select businesses] > Create companies.
[Platform: Marketplace] See complete names of files attached to products Products in the Public Store and Business App.
[Platform: Orders] Export Orders to a csv file from Partner Center > Commerce > Orders > Actions > Download.
[Products: Local SEO] Set map distance units to "kilometers" in Local SEO > Keyword Tracking > Settings > Map Units > Kilometers.
[Products: Social Marketing] Customize social posts by account from the composer by clicking "Customize by account."


Local SEO


Reputation Management

Business App


Executive Report

Partner Center

Sales & Success Center

Billing & Payments



Marketing Services


Customer Voice



Now Available

What's New

What's New: 2024-07-18

This week, Mel Kozun shares updates that will facilitate lead capture, customer engagement, order management, and more.
Business App
  • [Inbox] View the specific knowledge sources drawn upon for each AI web chat message sent in response to a lead's enquiry. This might be a link to a webpage, a custom text source, or the business profile. To change or improve the answer AI web chat will provide when asked similar questions in the future, adjust that knowledge source. Learn more
  • [Campaigns Pro] Schedule campaign emails to go to CRM Contact recipients at a certain date and time. Learn more
  • [Campaigns Pro] Pause and resume campaigns for individual CRM contacts. Learn more
  • [Campaigns Pro] Correct dynamic content formatting with guidance from clear error messages describing the problem and how to address it.
  • [Forms] Control whether or not you want to provide Forms in Business App by toggling Forms on or off in
    Partner Center > Customize Business App > CRM > Show CRM forms page
  • [Campaigns] Schedule campaign emails to go to CRM Contact recipients at a certain date and time. Learn more
  • [Campaigns] Pause and resume campaigns for individual CRM contacts. Learn more
  • [Campaigns] Correct dynamic content formatting with guidance from clear error messages describing the problem and how to address it.
  • [Orders] Schedule products to deactivate immediately, at the end of the current period, or after a set number of additional periods. Deactivation settings are available now on Account pages, and you’ll soon be able to set deactivation at the time of order creation. Learn more
  • [Billing & Payments] Issue credit notes for all or part of an invoice to provide an official record of the transaction to your clients, and your finance team. Issuing a credit note for an unpaid invoice will void the invoice, while a credit note for a paid invoice will refund the amount indicated. Learn more
  • [Local SEO] Sync to Apple Business Connect from Local SEO Pro.
  • [Local SEO] View key details of a business' profile like name, address, phone number, and primary category in the top left of the Listing Sync page to check flagged sources against NAP data.
Marketing Services Offers Two New Website Products
Simplify selling website products to your clients with two new products offered by Marketing Services, Tailored Website and Templated Website.
  • Tailored Website begins with a personalized consultation and includes a full statement of work, quote, and project timeline. This boutique offering features an enhanced experience with added touchpoints, ensuring an impressive website tailored to fit your client's needs.
  • Templated Website is perfect for businesses looking for their first site or a quick refresh at a low cost of entry, with a streamlined process and two calls with our developers to ensure project alignment.
Existing partners who sold a website through Marketing Services in the last 6 months will continue to see our "Website: Up To..." products along with the new ones, until October 1st, 2024.
Find Tailored Website and Templated Website in the Marketplace today, or learn more here.
Set Up and Scale Your CRM with New Course in Vendasta Academy
There’s a brand new certification in the Academy to help you understand the full capabilities of the new CRM. In this course, you and your team will learn how to:
  • Set up and scale your CRM efficiently, helping you meet sales targets and promote business growth
  • Configure the CRM to scale with your business, including adding team members and managing permissions
  • Use lead generation and nurturing techniques using forms, webchat, and targeted email campaigns.
  • Identify high-quality leads, manage client interactions, and close deals effectively using the CRM’s advanced features.
  • Meet and exceed your targets with sales goals, revenue forecasting, and advanced reports.
Head to the Academy, and search for “Partner Center CRM | Elevate Sales and Enhance Customer Relationships” to get started!
Coming Soon to Business App
  • [31 July 2024] Your clients will have a single SMS number and credit balance to use across Inbox, Reputation Management, and (soon) Campaigns Pro. For your clients who are currently managing multiple SMS numbers, the number associated with Inbox will become their single line. Replies to all types of SMS messages will appear in Inbox - including replies to review requests, so businesses won’t miss any message from customers.
  • [1 August 2024] Google Direction Requests will be removed from the Leads metric in the marketing funnel “Leads” card located on Home and Executive Report on August 1st, 2024. From that point on, it will be available only within the Google Business Profile section of the Executive Report. This will result in a drop in the count of new leads for many businesses, but the count will be more accurate, because Google Direction Requests are not as strong an indicator that a user is going to become a lead compared to leads that come in through enquiries made via AI web chat or a contact form embedded on a a business' website.
Two Promotions for Inbox Pro
  • Sell and activate Inbox Pro between July 15th and September 30th, 2024 and your sales reps will earn a $10 Visa gift card for every sale!
  • Bundle Inbox Pro with $500 worth of of Amazon Ads. This powerhouse combo allows your clients to leverage the power of Inbox Pro's 24/7 lead capture and response alongside targeted Amazon Ads, reaching and engaging their ideal customers with laser precision. Learn more


Reputation Management

Social Marketing

Business App

Task Manager

Snapshot Report

Executive Report

Partner Center




Product Fixes: 2024-07-18

[Business App: Executive Report] Data in the keyword section of Local SEO and the SEO section of the Executive Report are aligned.
[Platform: Campaigns] Preview email templates.
[Platform: CRM] Filter sales tasks by assignee in
Partner Center > CRM > Tasks > [filter by assigned to].
[Platform: Snapshot Report] Local SEO section of Snapshot Reports generates and loads completely.
[Platform: Task Manager] Unfulfilled work orders for deleted accounts are removed.
[Products: Local SEO] Data in the keyword section of Local SEO and the SEO section of the Executive Report are aligned.
[Products: Reputation Management] Save manually published reviews to the carousel layout of the review widget.
[Products: Social Marketing] Templates have been restored to
Social Marketing > Tools > Templates.


Local SEO

Reputation Management

Social Marketing

Website Pro

Business App


Partner Center




What's Next

Coming Soon

What's Next: 2024-07-11

This week, Caz Lim shares updates
coming soon
to Reputation Management, Social Marketing, Local SEO, and more.
Business App
  • [Campaigns Pro] Schedule campaign emails to go to CRM recipients at a certain date and time.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Inbox] On July 31, 2024, Google is removing Google Business Messages from its suite of products meaning. As a result, it is no longer possible to respond to customers on Google Search or Maps through Inbox. Inbox has you and your clients covered by supporting several other messaging integrations and solutions, including AI web chat and Forms for your website, SMS, email, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • [Campaigns] Schedule campaign emails to go to CRM recipients at a certain date and time.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Campaigns] Set emails up to be sent from the assigned salesperson on each recipient’s primary associated Company. Should a contact not have a primary company associated with it, the contact’s assigned salesperson would be used.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Local SEO] Sync to Apple Business Connect from Local SEO Pro.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Local SEO] View key details of a business' profile like name, address, and phone number in the top left of the Listing Sync page to check flagged sources against NAP data.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Reputation Management] Send NPS requests from Reputation Management via email or SMS, just like review requests. Positive feedback will be automatically displayed on review sites, while negative feedback will be sent only to your client, so that they can review and address any issues with customers directly, and in confidence.
    Est. late July 2024
  • [Reputation Management] Request reviews from more sources, including TripAdvisor, Foursquare, The Yellow Pages, Angi, and more to accelerate and expand review collection. With Reputation Premium, update Templates to request from the new sources via email or SMS. With Review Widget Pro, add the new sources to the review widget to request directly from a website.
    Est. late July 2024
  • [Social Marketing] Train Social Marketing’s AI on a business' website text to generate content more specific to the business, and better targeted to their customer base for increased engagement.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • [Website Pro] Manage multiple websites from one WordPress installation.
    Est. late September 2024


Local SEO


Reputation Management


Business App

Partner Center

Billing & Payments





Product Fixes: 2024-07-11

[Business App] "Home" tab in Business App always displays as "Home" in the left nav bar.
[Platform] Open Partner Center menu elements in new tabs or windows by right clicking, and selecting "Open in New Tab" or "Open in New Window."
[Platform: Automations] Create automations with the Trigger "When a Contact is Created or Modified" for Contact Field "First Name."
[Platform: Billing & Payments] Receive a failed payment notification only when a payment attempt was unsuccessful.
[Platform: Billing & Payments] The email address of a subscription billing recipient will display in the "Recipient" field if the Contact record does not have First Name and Last Name populated.
[Platform: Campaigns] Send email previews that include dynamic content from Company or Contact fields.
[Platform: CRM] Create tags including "&" as characters.
[Platform: Marketplace] Products billed annually display a "yearly" frequency in Business App Store carts.
[Platform: Marketplace] Advertising Intelligence does not activate on new accounts when auto-activation is disabled.
[Platform: Orders] Save Sales Orders with files attached.
[Products: Local SEO] View listing scores from
Partner Center > Accounts > Listing Sync Pro.
[Product: Reputation Management] Google review responses created from Reputation Management and edited from Google will display the updated response in both locations.




Business App

Task Manager

Snapshot Report


Partner Center


User Management



Now Available

What's New

What's New: 2024-07-04

This week, Mel Kozun shares big updates to the Partner Center CRM, new products for Inbox, and more.
Sell AI Web Chat and SMS for Inbox, Separately
To help you provide the communication solution best suited to each of your clients, we’re introducing even more flexibility to how you can sell Inbox.
Screen Shot 2024-07-04 at 10
Find them all in Marketplace
Business App
  • [Automations] View, create, and edit automations easily on mobile.
  • [CRM] Set up booking links from
    Business App > CRM > My Meetings
    . Once set, paste the link in your email signature, website, email campaigns or anywhere else you’d like to invite prospects and clients to see your availability and book time.
  • [Inbox] Sell Vendasta’s AI Web Chat widget for Inbox and SMS for Inbox as standalone products, available in Marketplace.
    Learn more above
Partner Center
  • [Automations] View, create, and edit automations easily on mobile.
  • [Automations & Campaigns] Pause automated campaigns for Companies and Contacts based on a certain trigger, such as when a note is created, a tag is added, the last contacted date has been updated, etc.
  • [Campaigns] Contacts in Snapshot campaigns without a Primary Company associated will be tallied as "Stopped" in campaign analytics.
  • [Campaigns] View full analytics for campaigns sent to your CRM contacts.
  • [CRM] Identify top quality leads with lead scoring. With all Company fields at your disposal when setting criteria, you can take into consideration how ideal a prospect is for your particular business and how ready they are to buy. Once your scoring rules are set, filter Companies by Lead Score to do any number of things, from adding them to a sales campaign to prioritizing sales tasks to make the best use of your sales team’s time, and improve your close rate. Learn more
  • [CRM] Monitor all sales activity from
    Partner Center > CRM > Activity feed
    to ensure your sales team is taking all the right steps to close leads and expand accounts.
  • [CRM] Build a white label experience for your salespeople in your Partner Center CRM. Learn more
  • [CRM] Complete a single sales task more quickly by clicking on a task in
    Partner Center > CRM > Tasks
    . Learn more
  • [CRM] Set up booking links from
    Partner Center > CRM > My Meetings
    . Once set, paste the link in your email signature, website, email campaigns or anywhere else you’d like to invite prospects and clients to see your availability and book time with you.
  • [Task Manager] Manage Project and Task templates from one page, with a separate tab for each.
  • [Task Manager] Create tasks from templates with easy access to the template library from
    Task Manager > Tasks > Create task > Use task template
    or T
    ask Manager > Projects > Create task (dropdown beside Create project) > Use task template


Social Marketing

Business App


Partner Center

Billing & Payments


Product Fixes: 2024-07-04

[Business App: Inbox] Connect Instagram accounts in
Business App > Settings > Inbox Settings > Sign in with Instagram
[Business App: Inbox] Configure and edit AI web chat widget settings by clicking "Configure web chat" in
Business App > Settings > Inbox Settings
[Platform: Automations] Automations disabled in error have been turned back on.
[Platform: Billing & Payments] The correct total is displayed when previewing invoices.
[Platform: Billing & Payments] View retail summaries on all Orders.
[Products: Social Marketing] Connect Linkedin accounts in
Social Marketing > Settings > Connect Accounts > Linkedin
[Products: Social Marketing] Post Instagram stories.



Social Marketing

Business App

Task Manager


Partner Center

Billing & Payments



Opportunities & Pipeline


What's Next

Coming Soon

What's Next: 2024-06-27

This week, Parker Reese shares four new integrations coming soon to Business App, and much more.
Business App
  • [Inbox] Sell Vendasta’s AI Web Chat widget for Inbox and SMS for Inbox as standalone products, available in Marketplace.
    Est. early July 2024
  • [Integrations] Integrate PetExec and Jobber with Business App.
    Est. early July 2024
  • [Integrations] Integrate Paw Partner and House Call Pro with Business App.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • Enjoy simpler, more mobile friendly navigation in Business App that will help your clients find the most commonly used workflows, and not be overwhelmed by options. For example, the Dashboard tab will be renamed “Home,” and you’ll find Get Started and Recent Activity under there.
    These updates are being implemented in preparation for the Business App mobile app, which is scheduled to come available around the end of 2024.
    Est. Summer 2024
  • [Billing & Payments] Set products to be deactivated and billing stopped automatically at the end of a contract. Customize multiple end dates within a single order by updating the Billing Terms for each item. Can be set from the Opportunity or Order stages.
    Est. August 2024
  • [Task Manager] Manage Project and Task templates from one page, with a separate tab for each.
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Task Manager] Create tasks from templates with easy access to the template library from
    Task Manager > Tasks > Create task > Use task template
    Task Manager > Projects > Create task (dropdown beside Create project > Use task template.
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Social Marketing] Filter social posts by date, status, custom feed, or social account from
    Social Marketing > Posts
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Social Marketing] Generate reports of drafted and/or scheduled posts for any date range from
    Social Marketing > Calendar > Create Report
    Est. 28 June 2024


Reputation Management

Social Marketing


Business App

Task Manager


Partner Center



Product Fixes: 2024-06-27

[Business App] View and track progress on all Projects from
Business App > My Business > Projects
[Business App: Campaigns Pro] Campaign analytics displayed in rows
Business App > Campaigns > All Campaigns
matches the data for each campaign shown in Campaign Details.
[Business App: Inbox] When a forwarding email has been set for Inbox messages, view it in
Business App > Settings > Inbox Settings > Email > Forwarding address
[Business App: Inbox] Get on-screen confirmation when website content has been successfully added as knowledge to an AI web chat widget.
[Platform: Campaigns] View CTOR and Clicks data on Campaigns sent through Automations.
[Platform: Campaigns] Download campaign stats on unique clicks by ticking the "Include unique engagement only" checkbox.
[Platform: Orders] Accurate wholesale total is displayed when creating an order for a package.
[Platform: Task Manager] Files attached to Orders are not automatically attached to Projects in Task Manager.
[Products: Customer Voice] Send review requests via SMS from a Canadian number.
[Product: Reputation Management] Connect showmelocal listings in Canada and the United Kingdom as Primary Listings in Reputation Management.
[Products: Reputation Management] TripAdvisor and GrubHub listings populate for accounts on Reputation Management trial.
[Products: Social Marketing] Add a call to action on Google My Business posts.
[Products: Social Marketing] Edit the date for a scheduled post without affecting the scheduled posting time.
[Products: Social Marketing] Insert emojis in social posts.
[Products: Social Marketing] Insert hashtags in social posts.
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