
Local SEO


Reputation Management


Business App

Partner Center

Billing & Payments





Product Fixes: 2024-07-11

[Business App] "Home" tab in Business App always displays as "Home" in the left nav bar.
[Platform] Open Partner Center menu elements in new tabs or windows by right clicking, and selecting "Open in New Tab" or "Open in New Window."
[Platform: Automations] Create automations with the Trigger "When a Contact is Created or Modified" for Contact Field "First Name."
[Platform: Billing & Payments] Receive a failed payment notification only when a payment attempt was unsuccessful.
[Platform: Billing & Payments] The email address of a subscription billing recipient will display in the "Recipient" field if the Contact record does not have First Name and Last Name populated.
[Platform: Campaigns] Send email previews that include dynamic content from Company or Contact fields.
[Platform: CRM] Create tags including "&" as characters.
[Platform: Marketplace] Products billed annually display a "yearly" frequency in Business App Store carts.
[Platform: Marketplace] Advertising Intelligence does not activate on new accounts when auto-activation is disabled.
[Platform: Orders] Save Sales Orders with files attached.
[Products: Local SEO] View listing scores from
Partner Center > Accounts > Listing Sync Pro.
[Product: Reputation Management] Google review responses created from Reputation Management and edited from Google will display the updated response in both locations.