
Reputation Management

Social Marketing

Business App

Task Manager

Snapshot Report

Executive Report

Partner Center




Product Fixes: 2024-07-18

[Business App: Executive Report] Data in the keyword section of Local SEO and the SEO section of the Executive Report are aligned.
[Platform: Campaigns] Preview email templates.
[Platform: CRM] Filter sales tasks by assignee in
Partner Center > CRM > Tasks > [filter by assigned to].
[Platform: Snapshot Report] Local SEO section of Snapshot Reports generates and loads completely.
[Platform: Task Manager] Unfulfilled work orders for deleted accounts are removed.
[Products: Local SEO] Data in the keyword section of Local SEO and the SEO section of the Executive Report are aligned.
[Products: Reputation Management] Save manually published reviews to the carousel layout of the review widget.
[Products: Social Marketing] Templates have been restored to
Social Marketing > Tools > Templates.