AI-Powered Snapshot Insights
Cody Malone
It would be great to have an AI-generated summary of key takeaways displayed in the Snapshot sidebar for a quick review without needing to dive into the full report.
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Gabriel Tsoi
Gabriel Tsoi
Recently, we introduced AI into the Snapshot Report to help partners create highly personalized, persuasive prospecting emails to accompany each Snapshot Report based on its results. Now, we are exploring various ways to leverage AI in order to provide talk tracks and sales tips directly within the report to help partners get the conversation started. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us here!
Thomas Mueller
Gabriel Tsoi: According to your request Gabriel Tsoi, please see my feedback here:
- Customers, especially SMEs are already overwhelmed with the massive and great content that is provided by the Snapshot. They would not understand the overall technical jargon anyway.
- The Snapshot is a great sales tool, to alert the customer that their digital presence might not in order and that work is to be done.
- It is the job if the agency to actually make sense of the results and explain the same to the customer in a plain english and understandable way. By doing so, they have the opportunity to create trust and underline competence and professionalism.
- Therefore, the additional information about the results, the interpretation thereof and the actions that need to be taken in terms of tips and suggestions, should be provided solely within the sales center and to the respective account manager. Not directly to the customer.
- Furthermore, the language/jargon in each market is different. We would communicate the issues and results in our hospitality and tourism business world much different than in the logistics or retail industry.
- While the mechanics of the results are the same and have the same impact, the communication in every vertical is different. A generic approach using AI without taking the business category and some experience in this industry into account could be confusing.
Thomas Mueller
The main issue for our customers is to actually understand the already rather simple snapshot and make sense out of it. We therefore do a 30 min call with the customer and guide them through each segment for them to understand. We also take it as the status quo of the digital presence of that customer and show them results and performance every 6 month by showing a new snapshot.
It would be great to have a snapshot comparison over a timeline.
Using AI would be great in terms of being able to ask questions on the respective data like:
"Take the visibility score and the visibility datapoints. (Visibilty can be Website, Reputation, Social Marketing, Advertizing as well)
Write an outline of the detailed actions that need to be done in order to improve the visibility score."
"Take the visibility score and the visibility datapoints. (Visibilty can be Website, Reputation, Social Marketing, Advertizing as well).
Explain in grade-five reading style what this means for the business and how it negatively impacts their overall digital presence. Conclude by how {agency} can assist the customer resolving this issue."
There are many other questions that might result in plain english text results which might be easy to read and understand from our customers that could be included in a nurturing eMail campaign after the snapshot has been shared with the customer.
Justin Fraser
Update: the team is going to experiment with AI-generation this quarter. We'll be reaching out to users to see what sort of takeaways and insights they would like to see. Any suggestions made here will be taken into consideration.
Otis Wellon
Justin Fraser: AI generated recommendations based on the snap shot report would save tons of time. It would also help in the conversation with the customer and lower the barrier when you can explain the specific product they need for the solution.
Justin Fraser
That's an interesting idea! I'll bring it up with the team.