Automation to remind SMB's of expiring credit card
Gunpreet Arora
A suggested feature: When a client's credit card expires on their account and results in a missed payment, it places partners in a situation where there is a delay in receiving payment from the client. It would be more beneficial if they receive a notification in advance, indicating that their card is about to expire.
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Tyler Humphreys
If the automation could be linked once a credit card is submitted in billing settings to extract the expiration date and schedule an email to be sent 30 days prior to expiration and only cancel the email if the card has been renewed with a new date that is further into the future.
Example being, a CC expires March 2024, the reminder email would be scheduled for Feb 1, with a follow up 2 weeks and 3 weeks later, only to be cancelled when the user input a new card with an expiration date of March 2027. If no conditions are met, then the failed payment automation flow would take over.
I believe this would lead to a more positive experience for both partners and their clients by reinforcing proactive work rather then penalizing reactive work.