Send data in and out of Vendasta with Zapier to make ideal workflows for you and your customers. With Vendasta's new Zapier app, you can connect almost anything to the CRM in Partner Center (and in Business App too).
For example, to use Vendasta’s “guide to responding to reviews” as a lead magnet for new customers. You can set up a form on your website where leads give only their email address before they receive your guide. Our new CRM only needs an email address to create a contact; it's all you need to start nurturing a new lead. Once they submit that form, Zapier takes their email and creates a new contact for you in Partner Center with a sales activity logging that they downloaded your guide. Additionally, you can tag the contact and trigger an automation based off of that tag, such as dropping them into an email nurturing campaign.
There's no need to worry about duplicates. If you do already have that email address in your CRM, our Zapier app won’t create a new contact but it will record that the contact downloaded your guide.
December 18th update:
Created by Jehan Zouak